
Mold Services

The general term of “mold” services typically encompasses facets of indoor moisture sources, building envelope integrity, HVAC operations, and indoor air quality. Targus professionals are skilled, experienced and licensed, as appropriate, to serve building owners who experience problems with indoor biomagnification of mold. Although not limited to any one type of construction, these issues are most often encountered in aged multi-family, hospitality, and healthcare facilities. Our most common mold services follow a sequence similar to the following:

  • Visual Inspection and Interview
  • Review of Complaint/ Maintenance/ and Repair Records
  • Moisture Survey, Utilizing
    • Direct-read moisture meters
    • Infrared photography
    • Spot temperature
    • Psychrometer
  • Evaluation of HVAC dehumidification
  • Diagnosis of excessive moisture causes
  • Biological testing (only where necessary)
  • Regulatory reporting (only where required)
  • Mitigation design, contract administration
  • Post-mitigation confirmation of repair/ removal/ cleaning