The improvements consisted of a vacant medical office building constructed in 1986 that was owned by Christ Chapel Bible Church and previously occupied by Berry Medical Clinic. The church intended to demolish the building for future church expansion.
After an inspection of the renovation areas, a map of the classrooms in question was prepared to illustrate the locations of homogeneous flooring areas included in the survey. A description of each area and suspect asbestos-containing material (ACM) together with its condition was included. The following suspect ACMs were identified and sampled: carpet, cove base, and HVAC duct mastics, ceramic flooring and grouts, gypsum wall and ceiling systems (with paper, trowel-applied, and spray-applied surfacings), sink undercoat, thermal insulations, HVAC duct board and gaskets, stucco, caulks and sealants, roofing, and mortar. These materials had the potential to become friable if disturbed. Each of the samples was submitted for bulk sample analysis by Polarized Light Microscopy with Dispersion Staining (PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/ R-93/ 116.
The results of the survey identified each of the suspect ACMs to be non-asbestos avoiding the necessity of pre-demo abatement. As a result, Targus provided instructions for providing required demolition/ renovation notification form to facilitate compliance with Department of State Health Services (DSHS) regulations.