The municipality came to be responsible for a former gasoline service station that was discovered to have experienced a petroleum release originating at this facility during the period prior to underground storage tank (UST) removal. As part of a Brownfield grant, funds were allocated for further assessment.
Targus was engaged under subcontract to the prime to confirm groundwater contamination conditions through monitoring of the existing well network. Results of sampling and analysis revealed that the lateral extent had not been delineated, requiring installation of additional wells. Upon installation and sampling it was determined that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) section required additional groundwater sampling off-site.
Following coordination with the street department, Targus installed and sampled additional wells in the public right of way. The results of sampling and analysis identified petroleum contamination to exceed delineation criteria in the most distant well. Historical information suggested the potential that the plume was potentially co-mingled, with one or more releases from historical off-site facilities.