The subject property included approximately one-half city block slated for demolition and construction of a new mid-rise mixed-use building. The latest of the existing improvements were constructed in 1955 and included three separate buildings of one to three stories on a 20,000 square foot print. In conjunction with our asbestos services, Targus was engaged to conduct a suvey for lead-based paint (LBP) in advance of demolition by others. The services included a total of 600 field measurements using X-ray fluorescence of: painted interior and exterior wallboard, plaster, masonry, metal, and wood surfaces including door systems, walls, floors, ceilings, framing, and fixtures. Materials confirmed to be coated with LBP were identified by material and location for the information of others. The report included a recommendation that the survey be provided to contractors conducting demolition work so that appropriate precautions could be taken to protect their workers from unacceptable exposures.